Fall 2023 Update

Earlier this year the CHARIS National Service of Communion - USA, under the leadership of Msgr. Joseph Malagreca, its Coordinator, convened the third in-person National Assembly of key leaders of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Miami, January 15-17.  (In 2021 there was an Assembly done via Zoom.) 


The theme was Sharing Baptism in the Holy Spirit. A Subcommittee of the CNSC USA, led by Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD had prepared a document entitled, A Grace for the Whole Church: Encountering the Holy Spirit through Baptism in the Holy Spirit which served as the substance of the Assembly's discussions and prayer.  The document is available in English from Pentecost Today USA, in Spanish from the Comité de Servicio Hispano (CNSH), and in French from Le Conseil du Renouveau Charismatique Catolique des Haitiens D'Outre-Mer (Le Conseil).


Over 1,000 copies were sent to the bishops in the U.S., theologians, catechetical and evangelization leaders.  5,000 copies of the Spanish language version were sold at their National Leaders Encounter in May.  We received a number of positive letters and emails from bishops (see below for a sample).


As the Assembly was the end of the first term of three years for the members off the CNSC USA new appointments were made and elections held.


Leaving the CNSC as representatives from Pentecost Today USA were Ron Riggins and Walter Matthews.  Newly appointed were Alicia Hartle and Deacon Ralph Poyo.


There were no changes in the representatives from the CNSH, Le Conseil, or the Filipino Alliance.


Leaving the CNSC from the Association of Diocesan Liaisons (ADL) was Fr. Anthony Ouellette. He was replaced by the new Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the ADL, Jane Guenther.


Leaving the CNSC from the Korean National Service Committee was Fr. Francis Chung who was replaced by Fr. Joachim Cheon.


There were no changes in the representatives of the Sword of the Spirit and the North American Network of Charismatic Covenant Communities.


As noted above there are five elected members of the CNSC:


Angelica Macias and Sr. Michael Marie Troung were elected as Youth representatives replacing Oscar Serrano and Jessica Navin.  Walter Matthews was elected as a National Ministry representative replacing Jane Guenther.  Paul Dinolfo was re-elected as the Ecumenical representative and Fr. Bob Hogan was re-elected as the Religious or Clergy representative. 


Andreas Arango and Bishop Peter Smith continue to serve as ad hoc members as the U.S. members of the International Service of Communion.

The re-composed CNSC will serve until 2026. 


The fourth in-person National Assembly (by invitation only) will be held January 14-16, 2024 also in Miami. Our theme will be The Renewal Moving to 2033. (2033 will be the 2,000th anniversary of Jesus' death and Resurrection and of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.) 

Please pray for us.


2023-2026 Members


2020-2023 Members